Monday, November 15, 2010

Hungry Historians -“We came, we saw, we ate.”

If you could go back in time and have dinner with anyone in the history of the world, who would it be and where would you go? Each week on Hungry Historians, that's exactly what we do; travel through history to visit ancient cultures and historical characters to discover what they loved to eat.
What did Marc Anthony have for dinner with Cleopatra? And what did the pilgrims really eat on the first Thanksgiving? Here's a hint - it wasn't canned cranberry sauce or your Aunt Sally's marshmallow yam casserole. And the Vikings had to have a hearty breakfast before a hard day of rape and pillage. Honey Nut Cheerios? Think again Sven.
Hungry Historians visits ancient cultures and their food and brings it all to life. And by showing cuisine throughout history, we not only learn about the past, but also find out the reasons why we eat what we eat today.
In each episode we travel back in time, go to the authentic locations of early cultures, meet fascinating historical figures from each time and find out the exact how and why of that their food. Traveling back to modern day, we challenge our own master chef to re-create these meals using ingredients and cooking methods from that culture and period. Afterward our hosts, an expert food historian and perhaps even a famous character or two from our time travels might join in for a final meal from that episode.
What's the recipe for Hungry Historians? Take one part cooking program, add a cup of humor, mix in pound of history, and top it off with a couple of nutty hosts. Sizzle it up with a hot chef and serve in an exotic location. Delicious and good for you!
Hungry Historians is funny and informative. While you laugh you learn about world cuisine history and its ongoing impact on our lives and culture.
Hungry Historians, it's the history show you can really sink your teeth into.